Will You Survive The Zombie Apocalypse???

So you're in a zombie apocalypse would you survive or couldn't you take this quiz and find out man! Do you have the wits, the srength, the smarts and the power to survive?

Will YOU survive the apocalypse. Do You have what it takes to be the one? I guess you can only imagine. But Now you can take ths great quiz come give it a good fair go!

Created by: Bradley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So, you wake up and your radio has the news on it's six am and the news is saying there are zombies everywhere, What The Hell do You Do?
  2. So you have your mom, dad, siblings and friends, you each have a weapon, what is yours?
  3. OMFG, your parents have been bitten, they are weak kill them or not?
  4. You Have A choice between a Mall your home and a skyscraper. Choose
  5. You are at the mall's car/motorcycle dealership and you have a choice. What do you hot wire?
  6. You have driven to a fortified mall what's your next move?
  7. Ok now, be honest how far can you run in 15 min.
  8. Choice of survivor.
  9. Do you play lot's of video games?
  10. It is almost over you are one of 7 left one of the seven is in your country another is in Russia, Soz if ur Russian, and the other sixes locations are classified, so you hunt them down or keep to yourself.
  11. Did you enjoy this?

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Quiz topic: Will I Survive The Zombie Apocalypse???