Will you survive the zombie apocalypse?

Do you have the guts and stuff to survive a zombie apoc ? Well, I know I do............ So go out there and kick some zombie butt! I like pie. So do you I'm just filling up space, because I'm lazy.

You shall do well.. Hopefully. You might suck, or you might do good, the world will never know. Hello hello go through hell, and kick some glass... I don't know

Created by: AustinNES
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many weapons do you own?
  2. How crafty are you?
  3. What kind of car do you prefer to drive? (If too young, what car do you WANT to drive?)
  4. How many friends do you have?
  5. Okay, now let's move onto the actual scenarios.
  6. You just found out that the infection has spread, what do you do?
  7. Another group of survivors has come to a compromise with you. If you give them food, they will protect you. What will you do?
  8. Where do you go for a last resort if everywhere else is taken over?
  9. Your friend is bitten, what do you do?
  10. Are you glad that this crappy test is over, now?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive the zombie apocalypse?