Will YOU Survive the Upcoming Zombie Apocalypse?!

You've tried the rest, now go with the best! In this quiz, you'll find out if you've got the guts, blood, and guns to survive this here zombie apocalypse.

But, could YOU survive? That's what it all narrows down to. You may die in the beginning, or not die at all. Forget your manners. KILL SOME ZOMBIES!!!

Created by: Cody
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You hear on TV that a zombie apocalypse has reached your home state. What is your living status?
  2. Zombies are about a mile away from you. How many guns do you have?
  3. You see a zombie near you. What do you grab for self defense?
  4. You leave home. Where do you go?
  5. You find a group of survivors that pull guns on you. What do you do?
  6. You raid a gun shop. What gun do you take?
  7. Pop quiz! What's the most powerful handgun in the world?
  8. Your supplies is stolen. What do you do?
  9. You got bitten! What do you do?
  10. What did you think of my quiz???

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Quiz topic: Will I Survive the Upcoming Zombie Apocalypse?!