Will you survive the hunger games?

You never know. Hunger games might be a reality. Now is the time to figure out if you'll live in the hunger games or not. You might win. You might die.

Will you survive the Hunger Games? You'll never know. Unless! Unless you take this quiz. Think wisely. Make wise choices. Find out if you'll win the Hunger Games.

Created by: Laire
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It's the day of the reapings. Your name gets chosen you climb up the stairs to join the other tribute. You...
  2. You climb into the train. Your mentor does nothing but says, stay alive. You...
  3. You arrive at the Capitol. It's almost time to do the opening parade. You are wearing...
  4. You go into the training area. You...
  5. It's the day you get your training scores. You..
  6. You are now in the arena. You here the gong. You...
  7. You run as fast as you can, but you bump into another tribute. You don't have that ich weapons to harm him/her, thought. He/she doesn't either. You...
  8. You come to this nice looking tree you can lean on and rest. You climb up high, and up in the distance, you see the careers heading towards you. You...
  9. Luckily, you survive the encounter of the careers. You...
  10. You decide to rest after going all the trouble. You climb up a tree and sleep. But, you wake up and see fire. You..
  11. There is only you and someone else now. You hope the wilderness kills the person, but you bump into each other. The other person has an ax. You have a bow and arrow. You...
  12. Now, do you want to see the results?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive the hunger games?