Will you survive the Apocolypse?

Many people think they can survive the zombie horde. Based on this quiz is your survivability. Your score is your fate. Your life is based on your score.

Can you survive the Zombie Apocolypse? Take this quiz and find out. The ending score is your ending fate. Your survivalbility is chosen based on your anwsers.

Created by: Jason
  1. Do you enjoy Zombie Survival games?
  2. What time would you perfer it be when you know the apocolypse is coming?
  3. Which would you perfer doing during the apocolypse?
  4. How many followers would you have?
  5. Out of these manual weapons which would you take first?
  6. Which Vehicle would you take first?
  7. Which of these locations would you perfer to survive at?
  8. What role will you play in your survival
  9. What would your friend's role be?
  10. If you were over-run, what is your backup plan
  11. Which of these animals would you have as a companion?
  12. Which of these automatic guns would you choose?
  13. What is your way of letting rescue know your there?
  14. Where would your armory be?
  15. What is your way to "let go" of the world?
  16. Which of these would be your melee weapon?
  17. =-LAST QUESTION-= How would your Last Stnad go down?
  18. =-Bonus Question-= If you could have backround music, What would it be?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive the Apocolypse?