Will you survive in Harry Potter?

If you are a Harry Potter fan, you will like this quiz. This quiz determines if you are a true Harry potter fan. If not a true fan, a ceiling fan. Jk! I hope you like my quiz!

Are you a true Harry potter fan? Or are you a ceiling fan? 😃 In just a few minutes, you will find out if you are a true fan. ( whichever one) 😜 this quiz determines whichever, so have fun!

Created by: Raquel hopland
  1. Do you know some of the spells?
  2. Have you read the books?
  3. Do you know what it takes to apparate?
  4. Do you like Harry Potter?
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. Choose one:
  7. Bored yet?
  8. Do you know karate/any defense classes?
  9. You wanna fight?!
  10. Ehdbskshdbxnsk!

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Quiz topic: Will I survive in Harry Potter?