Will you survive if you study in Hong Kong?

Studying in Hong Kong is not so like studying in America, many things are different. Do you want to know if you suit to study in Hong Kong or not, try this little quiz!

Do you want to study in Hong Kong? And you don't know if you ate fit or not? Don't worried! Finish this few minutes quiz then you will find the answer.

Created by: Abbie
  1. If you can choice, Do you want to wear school uniform?
  2. Do you like to move around?
  3. Are you a...
  4. Do you want to have a date in your academic life?
  5. Do you like...
  6. Do yo want to sit in pairs?
  7. Which one you prefer?
  8. Do you like a big school?
  9. Do you like to use your phone?
  10. Do you think your locker is useful?
  11. Do you like Hong Kong?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive if you study in Hong Kong?