Will you survive a zombie invasion????

there will be few zombie hunters out there that actualy make it, i am one of them, connor is not. thats why i am dedicated to rub it in his big fat, "i can do 7 pull ups in a row" face.

Can YOU do 7 pull ups, are you that zombie huter that will save this country from global warming, from mad scientists??? i didnt think so, now shut your mouth and start eatin some frigin candY!!!!

Created by: Zalen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What weapon(s) do you perfer the most.
  2. If you were at any store at the time of the ivasion, would it be:
  3. What vehicle would you use?
  4. If you could have a group, who would it be with?
  5. If you could have a group, who would it be with?
  6. f you could start out with any meelee weapon, what would you start out with???
  7. Last question, did you like this quiz???
  8. Justkidding, this is the last question. if your faorite tune came on while driving down the freeway, would you
  9. this isnt the last question. if there was a zombie outbreak, who would you blame???
  10. this is though seriously. did u like this quiz??

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Quiz topic: Will I survive a zombie invasion????