Will you survive a Zombie Apocolypse?

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Will you survive a Zombie Apocolypse? FIND OUT NOW! There's a result that is pretty rare, would you get that rare result? If you do, great job at thinking.

Created by: Natasha
  1. Your friend gets taken by a Zombie you..
  2. If a Zombie attacks you, you..
  3. Whos in your crew?
  4. You see a Zombie it looks like someone in your family (Mom/Dad/Grandpa/Grandma/Sister/Brother/Uncle/Aunt/Great/Great Great Grandma/Grandpa) what do you do..
  5. You see a Zombie it doesn't see you, you..
  6. Where do you get food?
  7. What do you drink?
  8. Last question is going to be stupid you good with this? (NO EFFECT)
  9. You enjoyed this? and what you think you gonna be? (also no effect)
  10. This will reveal your result.. you ready? (no effect) (do not get mad if you die!)

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Quiz topic: Will I survive a Zombie Apocolypse?
