will you survive a zombie apocalypse?

this quiz will test your ability to survive the undead. hopefully you can make it. if you get a bad result try to change it before its too late!! otherwise you might die.

this is the ultimate zombie survival quiz! Will you survive, or will you DIE?! take it to find out. it might be the difference between life and death...

Created by: quiz boi
  1. you hear on the radio about the zombie virus and immediately be prepared. what weapon do you choose
  2. you find a car dealership with the keys in all the cars. which do you choose.
  3. your house is no longer secure. you have a choice to stay in one of these buildings.
  4. you find your best friends and they all survived, but have no idea what they are doing except for 2 of them. what do you do?
  5. you get attacked by a group of people who think your a zombie! what do you do?
  6. you find your worst enemy surviving. what do you do.
  7. its 3 years later and you have built a survivor empire, but its falling. what do you do.
  8. do you have a current plan?
  9. what motivates you?
  10. whats you fav weapon

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Quiz topic: Will I survive a zombie apocalypse?
