Will you survive a stalker?

Some people will survive stalkers. Some won't. Will you? Take this quiz to see of you are smart enough to face a stalker who may want to kill you!!!!!

In this quiz, you will find out if You will Survive, Escape, or Die from your stalker attack. This quiz would be great for someone thinking they are stalked or worrying they will be in the future.

Created by: keel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is your stalker?
  2. Where did you meet your stalker?
  3. How much does your stalker know about you?
  4. How many friends does your stalker have?
  5. Where can you hide?
  6. What is the first tool that comes to your mind?
  7. How many people live in your house?
  8. Someone knocks on your door. What do you do?
  9. Your stalker breaks into the house. What do you do?
  10. Finally, how close are you to a police station?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive a stalker?