will you survive a robot attack

In our world the number of robots is increasing dramatically. The day is not far off when robots will gain enough intelligence to rise up against human beings.

How do you think you would act if a robot attack strikes your place. Would you survive or not. If you take this quiz you will get to know about how prepared you are...........

Created by: ?????
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like robots?
  2. You find out on the TV that all over the world robots are attacking and often killing human beings. What is your reaction.
  3. At night on your way to the bathroom, you spot a robot in your living room. What do you do?
  4. You see a bunch of robots coming up the street. You and your friends are at your house with a bunch of guns and weapons. What is your reaction?
  5. After a few minutes the robots catch up with your squad. You can save only one of them. Who will you save?
  6. Your squad makes it out, but one soldier dies. How will you honour him?
  7. Favourite long range weapon
  8. Favourite melee weapon
  9. Ok, back to reality. Your squad survived the attack. If you are the team leader what would you want the team to do?
  10. Say you got captured by the robots. Their leader gives you a chance to decide how you want to die. What will you tell him?
  11. You escaped the robots, you reunite with your squad and start killing robots. If a teammate has been grabbed by a robot, what will you do?
  12. The person who was grabbed by the robots was kidnapped along with your girlfriend, what will you do?
  13. Whom do you love the most?
  14. Without what do you think you can't survive?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive a robot attack