Will you survive a nether apocalypse?

Earth have been invaded by nether creatures,Your alone in your home without knowing about the invasion,Will you survive? Or will you get killed by the nether creatures?

Do you think your able to survive the nether apocalypse?? Find out by completing this quiz at all cost! ;D I promise this quiz won't be boring okay? Much love :)

Created by: Blue Victor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You just woke up from your sleep,It was quiet and calmed...You heared creepy noises coming from the living room you...
  2. You reached halfway on the stairs and saw a hellish dog with spikes coming out of its back and sharp bloody claws you...
  3. You reached your basement and you chose a...
  4. After you chose your desired weapon you heared footsteps coming down to the basement you...
  5. The creature is right infront of you staring you with its demonic eyes,How do you kill it?
  6. You killed the creature you were relieved,What do you do next?
  7. It's a apocalypse,The surface have mostly been ruled by the nether you...
  8. It's been a couple days and you don't have enough supplies what do you do?
  9. You reached a nearby gas station and you see the creature which attacked you the last time clashing the door you...
  10. You killed the creature and the door opened,A military soldier came out of the gas station and thanked you and invited you to follow him back to the military station you..

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Quiz topic: Will I survive a nether apocalypse?