Will You Survive A Nerf War?

Do play Nerf, or have friends or family members that do? Have you ever been curious to find out how good you are, and what your odds are of lasting in a battle? Well, you have come to the right place.

This quiz will test your knowledge of Nerf weaponry and put you to the test in multiple situations that happen frequently in the heat of battle. This will show you just what your odds are as a Nerfer.

Created by: DC
  1. Which weapon suits best as a primary for lasting out a long war?
  2. Your are alone, and are being approached by an an enemy team of 4 people with Stryfes. You have a Strongarm. What do you do?
  3. What is a good secondary for lasting out a long war?
  4. Your team of 8 people with decent primaries are surrounded by the enemy team of 12, each of their members about even as each of yours. What do you do, as they are slowly closing in.
  5. What is a good last resort/emergency weapon for a long Nerf war?
  6. You are being stalked by a player during a night game. You constantly hear footsteps and noises around you, and have even been fired at. What do you do?
  7. You are being chased alongside one other teammate, and you're both low on ammo. There are 4 enemies behind you the are slowly gaining on you. What do you do?
  8. What is a good way to start off a team deathmatch, you being the team's commander?
  9. Last one on your team, and other side is 10 strong. Just your luck. How can you possibly get out of this situation safely?
  10. What skill level do you consider yourself?

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Quiz topic: Will I Survive A Nerf War?