WIll you survive?

Today You Have Been Woken Up By A Guy Saying That There there are Robots And Aliens Attacking The City! You Have Choice to GO through! You Can Die OR Live!

oday You Have Been Woken Up By A Guy Saying That There there are Robots And Aliens Attacking The City! You Have Choice to GO through! You Can Die OR Live!

Created by: DeadVesom

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A Man Walks Up To You And Says "Aliens And Robots Are Attacking The City!"
  2. If You Didn't Jump Out The Window He says "We're Going to need Guns" What are you going to do?
  3. Once You Go Outside You Find Guns On The Sidewalk
  4. A Robot Comes And Attacks You! what do you do?
  5. IF you Surrendered You Are Taken TO the base and Locked Up!
  6. If You shot/sliced the robot. A hoard of Robots And Aliens GO to You! What do you do?
  7. You Killed The Robots/Aliens And You Won!
  8. After Wiinning You The GUy at the start Was A robot Faking to be human and rounds Up 5 Hoards of robots
  9. While You We're attacking/running/findinf ammo You Found Your Beast Friend Wyatt!
  10. You Destoried The Robots and Won! What Do you do?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive?