Will you predict the lego Om Nom movie?

The lego Om Nom movie will exist someday? Will it happen? Take this survey and see what will happen if the movie exist? Are you sure it will exist? Take it or bring it.

Can you predict the lego Om Nom movie? Can you see your predictions for the movie and see what would happen in the movie if it were created and see how well do you know it.

Created by: MrsTwosqueaksLover20
  1. Will it have cut the rope in it?
  2. Will it have Disney characters in it?
  3. Will it Star Roger c. Carmel?
  4. Will it Star Kathleen Barr?
  5. Will it have ruler from object land?
  6. Will it have female giraffe characters in it?
  7. Will it Star the transformers?
  8. Will it Star video game characters?
  9. What would it be made by?
  10. Will it feature pingu characters?
  11. Will it feature the stunticons?
  12. How many stunticons will it Star?
  13. Will it feature hot wheels and matchbox cars in it?
  14. Will it have team hot wheels in it?
  15. Will it have the Skylanders in it?
  16. Will it Star the Beatles?
  17. Have you got an predictions on it?
  18. Is it gonna happen?
  19. Will it have Count Dracula in it?
  20. Last question… will it have devastator from transformers in it?

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Quiz topic: Will I predict the lego Om Nom movie?

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