Will You Please Read This?

Hello! I have a question! Please answer it!Hello! I have a question! Please answer it!Hello! I have a question! Please answer it!Hello! I have a question! Please answer it!Hello! I have a question! Please answer it!Hello! I have a question! Please answer it!

Hello! I have a question! Please answer it!Hello! I have a question! Please answer it!Hello! I have a question! Please answer it!Hello! I have a question! Please answer it!

Created by: In a Disguise
  1. Hi, so if you couldn't tell by my name, I'm a gotoquiz user in disguise.
  2. That means I have an account, but I'm not using the name because I want it to be a secret right now.
  3. So, some people on gotoquiz have been really rude to me
  4. So I want to know how i can delete my account?
  5. so if you know how to do that please tell me!
  6. Thanks!
  7. Bye!
  8. I Love you!
  9. Just Kidding!
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Will I Please Read This?