will you live until 100?

many people live to an old age, but not that many to 100. do you think that you will live to 100? well this quiz will give you a rough guess if your going to live to 100 or not.

this quiz was just for fun, it does not mean anything to real life. just wanted to put that out there to the physcopaths out there. k i'm going to go now. bye :S

Created by: firegirl88

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. alright, so, to start this off, i don't know how old you are but your age won't affect this, kk?
  2. alright, so, to start this off, i don't know how old you are but your age won't affect this, kk?
  3. so, do you smoke?
  4. if you smoke, how much do you smoke?
  5. do you do any drugs?
  6. are you healthy?
  7. do you eat healthy foods?
  8. do you have any medical issues?
  9. do you do stupid, dangerous things? be honest
  10. is your life calm and relaxed?

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Quiz topic: Will I live until 100?