Will you get a girl?

I have made a quiz to show is it likely for you to have a girl friend sooooooooo enjoy (answer honestly ok you better do it ok) you probably won't just do it though

I made a quiz if your doing it make sure to answer properly answer honestly FROM jjvines i dont know what to write cause this has to be 150 letters long

Created by: JJvines
  1. Are You male or female
  2. What age are you
  3. If a hot girl walked pass you what would you do
  4. If you were asked out on a date by an ugly girl how would you react
  5. How would your friends describe you
  6. Would you put down a nice but ugly girl for a mean girl that's pretty
  7. Do you act cool in front of girls
  8. We're would you take a girl on a first dat
  9. Would you kiss the girl on a first date
  10. Are you subscribed to JJvines

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Quiz topic: Will I get a girl?
