Will You Ever Have Kids

Thank you for taking interest in my quiz. I hope you love it. If you do raise your hands up. Hi just thanks. I really want you guys/girl's to have kids and find true love xoxo from your friend.

It's me hi. I'm good. Hope you love my quiz, every part of it. Stay in school, get a degree, get married, get settled down have kids and yeah bye.

Created by: kaylee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hi
  2. Do you have a gf or bf or husband or wife?
  3. Do you want to have kids?
  4. Are you pregnant right now?
  5. No effect do you like me.
  6. This will affect your score. Do you like Justin Bieber.
  7. Do you plan to have kids?
  8. What is your fav color?
  9. Do you like baby and or babies?
  10. Hope you liked my quiz bye bye.

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Quiz topic: Will I Ever Have Kids