will you ever get laid (guys only)

Note: this quiz was made for fun so please don't take seriously or it well effect you life hi guys this quiz was made to see if you will ever get laid

Note: this quiz was made for fun so please don't take seriously or it well effect you life will you ever get laid well this quiz well determine it have fun!!

Created by: Animalsandwepons

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hey so first of all do you think about sex everyday
  2. Have you ever dreamed of having sex
  3. Have you ever been told that you are hot
  4. Do you know how to use you *thing* silly question
  5. Is there someone that wants to have sex with you
  6. Are you Horney
  7. have you ever thought about never marrying someone (sorry i have a bad grammar)
  8. 3- what do you see
  9. Have you ever asked out some not so hot girl and did she say no ( i think the grammar is correct)
  10. Ok im done here

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Quiz topic: Will I ever get laid (guys only)