Will you ever die? :/

Some people die, some peeps live? but will you die or will you live? if you die you were already dead but if you live you are alive???? if you think this doesn't make sense than your a meghan. Good luck living unless your already dead...

I don't know why i need a second pg but okay. I'm just going to keep talking random stuff until i reach the final letter so i can post this quiz! just keep typing...

Created by: Kaylee
  1. Do you like chocolate?
  2. Do you have problems with your gall bladder?
  3. Do you consider yourself to be dumb?
  4. Be honest, do you have friends?
  5. What kind of place do you live?
  6. What kind of music do you like?
  7. If you were an animal what would you be?
  8. What kind of towels would you date?
  9. What does your poop look like?
  10. What would you order from mcdonalds?

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Quiz topic: Will I ever die? :/