will you ever become famous?

there are a lot of famous people out there, but could it be YOU? come and take this quiz to see if you have a true inner talent, and if you should show it off to the world!

will YOU become famous? you'll never know for sure unless you take this quiz to see if you are meant to be well known and inspired by! good luck and rate when your finished!

Created by: Paris
  1. what do you like to do?
  2. have you ever performed at public places?
  3. do you have a skill at writing or reading?
  4. would you like to be famous?
  5. do you think you could be famous?
  6. are you good at dancing?
  7. do you like to sing?
  8. do you like to paint, sketch, draw?
  9. are you very intelligent?
  10. did you like this quiz? (this wont count as a real answer)

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Quiz topic: Will I ever become famous?