Will you die peacefully?

Some people will die bad and others will die good. Will you be good or bad? This is just a simple quiz. It has normal questions that only you can answer.

Are you going to die good or die bad. Take this quiz to find out! I made this quiz just for the fun of it. Also, this is my first quiz that I have made.

Created by: Ian Bishop
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like the best
  2. What would you do if you got mugged
  3. Do you want to die in a bad way
  4. Have you ever got hit by a car/truck
  5. Have you ever almost died?
  6. Do you have bad luck?
  7. Do you do risky things?
  8. Is death cool?
  9. Are you a jerk?
  10. Do you fall down a lot
  11. Did you like this quiz? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Will I die peacefully?