Will you become a pro baseball player?

There are a ton of talented baseball players, but not all of them make it to the Majors. A MLB player it one that is tough, and must practice a ton. If you put your mind to it, I'll see you there.

Are YOU good enough to make the cut? Many people are, but not all of them consider it. If you put your mind to it, ready for the best time of your life.

Created by: Casey Shader
When Will I Die Test
  1. Do you play on a team?
  2. Do you start? (Be Honest)
  3. How often do you pratice?
  4. Do you ever watch baseball?
  5. Do you like playing?
  6. Do you watch the other teams pitcher warm up?
  7. If you were a free agent, how much money would you ask for? (Your skill level decides how much your worth) If you ask for too much, you wont get signed to a contract)
  8. Do you have confidence in yourself?
  9. Why did you take this quiz?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Will I become a pro baseball player? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Basketball Quiz category.