will you be abduted by an alien

are you on the waiting list to be abducted by aleins? take this test to see wever beings from another world have there eye on you. you never no, as aliens do exist. this test will tell you if you are being hunted...

do you shiver with the thought of being taken by strnge beings? if so, take this test.will you be sent running or is there nothing to worry about... who knowws? you will once you take this awsome test!

Created by: danny

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you are down stairs watching t.v. then there is a bump upstairs. do you...
  2. is lead magnetic?
  3. are you clever?
  4. which of these are suposedly real aliens?
  5. what does u.f.o stand for?
  6. do you know a lot about veachles?
  7. do you have a big family?
  8. can you fix broken cars?
  9. do you have combat skill?
  10. youare atacked by posesed family. do you?

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Quiz topic: Will I be abduted by an alien