Will you be a good slave to me?

there are many people out there working for ridiculous prices but are YOU a person that will be my slave? take the quiz and find out if you really want to spoil me and give all your money

once you are done with this quiz don't forget to e-mail me with your ideas on how to improve this quiz and fill in the reserved spots and for the parting words

Created by: samson

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How much money would you like me to pay you
  2. will you wear anything i give you
  3. what kind of work can you do?
  4. i am about to whip you.............
  5. how long do you think you will remain loyal to me?
  6. how many chores do you do in your house per week?
  7. how much of a slave do you think u are (no effect)
  8. how do you like my quiz?
  9. reserved for future use
  10. res

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Quiz topic: Will I be a good slave to me?