Will you and your ex get back together | Comments

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  • My name is ANDREA ROBERT from TEXAS USA, 49 years of age, i have been suffering from HIV aids for 6 years now, because of this disease my wife left me and i have been visiting hospitals for treatment for along time now, all they could do is to give me drugs that can keep me stronger, one faithful day i was browsing the internet and i come across a post on how a woman were cure from HIV/aids by a spell caster called DOCTOR OCHE, so i decided to give him a try and i contacted him on his email at [no emails]. after contacting him he gave me some instruction on what to do and he gave me some herbal medicine and to my greatest surprise,after 2 weeks of using the herbal medicine he told me to go for text a in the hospital which i did and the test result shows that i was HIV?AIDS negative. so viewers out there please help me thank DOCTOR OCHE for the healing God has done in my life true him.. so if you are out there with this same virus i will advice you to contact him now on his email on [no emails] or call or whatsapp him on +2347069626288

    He can also help you with the following condition which are

    ALS cure.
    you need your EX husband back.


    andrea robert
  • this is to every one who is facing divorces or heart break by your lover i want you to contact him now because he can do it for you his powers is great and dont have any side effect in the future contact him through his mail: [no emails] .contact him now and your problems will be solve for ever.once again thanks to dr bolingo.

    Kesby Karen
  • i can never be happier than today lol.never mind my language i'm just being happy for this wonderful testimony dr.obodo did for me after 4years of searching for help in different place to get back my husband this great man dr.obodo did it in just 3days of contacting.my husband is back to me again.if you want doc help visit he at [no emails] or call +2348155425481

  • hello world i am scarlett, i want to share a very wonderful testimony about Dr Okika (okikaspelltemple)t he spell caster who help me get my ex back when he left me for another lady, i contacted so many spell caster but non could help me bring him back until i contacted Dr Okika and explain everything to him, he told not to worry cause i am going to get him back in just 24hrs with magic power of his gods and forefathers, i trusted in him and did everything he ask me to do, i hopefully wait for the result to my greatest surprise my ex called me and apologize for the pains he has cause me,now we are both happy together and even more in love than before, if you are out there and you are looking for a solution to any problem kindly contact Dr Okika through his email address now: [no emails] or [no emails] mobile no +2348134367919 truly here is a solution home to any problems.

  • hello world i am scarlett, i want to share a very wonderful testimony about Dr Okika (okikaspelltemple)t he spell caster who help me get my ex back when he left me for another lady, i contacted so many spell caster but non could help me bring him back until i contacted Dr Okika and explain everything to him, he told not to worry cause i am going to get him back in just 24hrs with magic power of his gods and forefathers, i trusted in him and did everything he ask me to do, i hopefully wait for the result to my greatest surprise my ex called me and apologize for the pains he has cause me,now we are both happy together and even more in love than before, if you are out there and you are looking for a solution to any problem kindly contact Dr Okika through his email address now: [no emails] or [no emails] mobile no +2348134367919 truly here is a solution home to any problems.

  • I don't think my ex and I will be getting back together, I have already found another guy only in my ex's dreams. My results where 46% but I don't think that is true more 1%

  • PROPHET ABULELE HAS DONE IT AGAIN.... prophetabuleleheali ngtemple @ gmail . com will solve all your problems with his powers. Why do people cry and cry over a long lost relationship as if there is nothing to be done to get him/her back. My friend is happy with her ex husband now after 8 years of a long lost marriage when she contacted Prophet Abulele because I told her to contact him because I know this man very well. Contact him if you want your relationship back at (prophetabuleleheal ingtemple @ gmail . com) My name is Victoria Chris and I am residing in Canada, three years ago, i wrote a testimony online about how Prophet Abulele, how he helped me get my ex boyfriend back to me and currently I am married to him with 2 kids. I met JANE a year ago when she applied for work at the hospital where I work and as we became friends, she told me about how her husband maltreated her all because she was unable to get pregnant for him and that made him cheat. I told her about Prophet Abulele and she said she will contact him. A week later, she told me how her husband came home to beg her because she contacted Prophet Abulele, I was happy i had helped someone i know with this man. She is now a mother of twins and this is all thanks to the great work of this man. Are you looking for help? Prophet Abulele email is prophetabuleleheali ngtemple @ gmail . com and his WhatsApp Number:+23490224061 59 CONTACT PROPHET ABULELE.

  • This doctor bolingo's email (just try and edit it your self) bolingospelltemple @ gmail . com the person email this Doctor should try your best to remove all the space and send him your mail okay

    Kesby Karen
  • OK me+Him broke up yesterday and today he calls say wantin 2 get back with u plllz?

    I told him never 2 call me again waz i wrong PLEASE SAY yess or no with your comment POSTED


  • Best spell caster of the year revealed by google. save your crumbling marriage now.'

  • love spell spell to get back ex,divorce,marriage love together contact Dr.OBODO Via Info:

    Email: [no emails]
    Cell: +234(815)-5425481

  • talk to him in person and it sort of depends about why you guys broke up


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