Will u ever date your crush

you will be with him or her one daii but you have to move on if he or she rejects you then theres alwaiss back up plan lol but yea or you can just step your game up

the more you get to know the person the more you get to increase your tention that he or she will notice you and be like dayuum i think i have fealings for him or her

Created by: rainbow chick
  1. Do your crush know you or met you ?
  2. Do your crush know you like em ??
  3. Have your crush talked to you after he found out you like him ???
  4. Have your crush ask you for his or her number ??
  5. Do your crush talk to you like a bf or gf
  6. Is your crush your best friend
  7. Do your crush try to make you laugh???
  8. Do you have alot of things in common with him or her????
  9. do you love him
  10. have his friend told you he likes you???

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Quiz topic: Will u ever date my crush