How much does your crush really like you?

This is for guys who absoulutley have no clue that crush is either hitting on them back or totally hating them. But hey, you can still make them like you yet!

Is your crush hitting on you or hating you. No matter what the answer is its just a fun quiz to pass the time. Dont take it seriously. Have fun with it!

Created by: BrookTaylor

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Does she ever say hi to you?
  2. Does she stare at you?
  3. Do any of her friends ask you to go out with her?
  4. Does she seem like she is trying to impress you?
  5. Are you still in school? Jr. High or Highschool.
  6. If yes does she ever lean toward your direction in class?
  7. Does she ever flirt with you?
  8. Do you show signs you like her?
  9. Does she ever hang out with all your friends? or some.
  10. Was this quiz helpful? (no effect)

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Quiz topic: How much does my crush really like you?