Will She Say Yes When You Pop The Question?

Wondering if she will say yes when you pop the question? Take this quiz to give you a good idea of where you stand. Just remember you know your woman better than me.

This quiz touches on issues that will be important in your relationship now and as time passes. Just answer homestly and you will have all your answers.

Created by: Adsenders

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you been together at least 6 months? (This is the time when women start to seriously think about marriage in a relationship)
  2. Does she really seem to enjoy taking care of you? (i.e. doing nice things without you asking, making sure you have what you need)
  3. Does she take an interest in your family?
  4. Has her interest in sex or sexual contact faded since you started dating?
  5. Does she genuinely compliment you or try to make you feel better about yourself when you say something bad about you?
  6. Does she still try to look nice for you at least once in a while (i.e. makeup, hair done or special outfit when its just you two)?
  7. Does she still wear nighties or lingerie for you without you asking? Or for no special reason?
  8. Are you her first "real" or longterm relationship?
  9. Has she stuck by you through any tough times?
  10. Do you talk seriously about the future, and make longterm plans (I dont mean for next month either I mean house buying, finances, etc...)?

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