Will Kouji Minamoto fall for you?

This is my first quiz so hope ya like it.. Well,if you love him, let's see if he fall for you. Well,its just an opinion... But what you think??😅😅😅😅

Digimon frontier.....Koji yeh. The light wolf guy....If you are for him your my rival. Light, dark, aren't they also similar?? 😕😕😕😕😕😕...........

Created by: Yuri Uzumaki
  1. What element do you like?
  2. Hmm,.. Okay, well, Who's the fave digi human spirit?
  3. If you have a digispirit, what would be its name?
  4. I'm bored. Would you rather kill Koji or Kill Takuya?[Oh no, don't be serious. I don't let you hurt Koji..]
  5. Best skill for you?
  6. Pick a YU-GI-OH.[Don't hate me, i love them especially the Yu-boys..]
  7. ............
  8. What do you think of Koji?
  9. Me:I invited Kouji here..Kouji:Hallo...
  10. Last,... If he likes you what will you do?

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