Will I Kiss, Marry or Kill you ? (Dont get offended pls)

Hello hello bonjour bonjour holà holà buongiorno buongiorno xin chao xin chao idk idk good bye good bye au revoir au revoir arrivederci arrivederci lol lol mdr

Heyyyyyy ! So my j’aime is Selena and this is my quizz ! So i wanted to try the marry,kiss,kill trend and here it is, Hope you enjoy and have a good day !!!!

Created by: Slna
  1. Are you Asian ?
  2. Do you like cuddle ?
  3. Do you like to match outfits ?
  4. Do you have/want animals ,
  5. Are you the therapist friend ?
  6. Do you think horse riding is a sport ? And Will you support me ?
  7. Will you support me anyways ?
  8. Are you anxious/ stressed most of the time ?
  9. Do you drink a lot of soda ?
  10. Are you LOYAL ???

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