wich young money person are you

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Hey Your Awsome If You Clicked This If You Like Young Money Then You Rule Find Out Wich Person Your Most Like From Young money Man You MIght Get Lucky Or

Are You Good At Figuring Out Stuff well you must try to figure out this thing cool people that like young money. so start the quiz begin you future rappers

Created by: Gracie
  1. what music you like best
  2. whos your fav outta young money
  3. iii can make your
  4. whats the first word that pops into your head when you say young money
  5. whos your fav person outta ym
  6. how my rappers are in there
  7. whos the president
  8. and yal then pray amen Now
  9. how old are you?
  10. last question are you sad
  11. whos the best
  12. If You are a fan are you?
  13. 2 answers
  14. who the fat one
  15. Music Is

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Quiz topic: Wich young money person am I