Wich Quiditch player are you?

Hello My name is Superdude3000 Plays and this is a super cool Harry Potter quiz it is easy and simple P-S The correct response for the last question is really THE BAKEEY OR SEAMUS GORMAN (GO SUB TO THEM RIGHT NOW PLZ)

So you can subscribe to me (in the description),Seamus Gorman, Vegard, and The Bakeey.And you can folow me on twitter @Superdude3000P. re P-S Hope you like the Quiz!

Created by: Superdude3000 Plays of My Youtube channel (it's in french)
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you do some kind of sport?
  2. Witch exercise you like the most in these choices
  3. What type of material do you like the most
  4. Are you a girl Slytherin
  5. What do you do in the free time you have
  6. In wich house are you
  7. What is your'e worst fear
  8. do like the quiz so far?
  9. Which Character is the best
  10. who is the best harry potter youtuber (the right answer is The Bakeey or Seamus Gorman)

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Quiz topic: Wich Quiditch player am I?
