Wich Pokemon are you?

"There are people who what to know what type of Pokemon are they and so this would tell you also it could be eat her one of them this one or this one."

Do you know what type of Pokemon are you well just to have fun you should know what type of Pokemon are so take it right now and sooner and better quizzes are coming

Created by: Kevin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What powers should you have?
  2. Do you cuss?
  3. Do you make friend fast?
  4. Are you athletic
  5. Do you get along with people
  6. Are you strong?
  7. Infamous or avatar
  8. Captainsparkelz or syndicate
  9. Did you like this quiz
  10. Seriously did you

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Quiz topic: Wich Pokemon am I?