Wich person are you from Dr. Horrible's Sing Along blog

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog is a short 1 hour movie that is about Doctor Horrible who is trying to rule the world, have his love fall in love with him, and trying to stop Captian Hammer. With a little music thrown in. Will Billy (Dr. Horrible) rule the world? Watch the movie and find out.

In this quiz you can find out if your Captin Hammer(Dr. Horrible's Enemy), Dr. Horrible, Penny (Dr. Horrible's love), or Moist (Dr. Horible's sidekick). Answer the 12 question quiz and find out who you are.

Created by: violet

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like musicals, music, and singing?
  2. If you had to live with one of these things for the rest of your life wich would it be?
  3. Wich statement sounds more appeling to you?
  4. What is the most important thing in the world to you?
  5. Do you have a PHD in horriblness?
  6. Would you rather... rule the world or be a hero?
  7. Have you ever handled a gun before?
  8. What genra of movie is your fav.?
  9. Have you ever killed or wanted to kill someone?
  10. Are you in love

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Quiz topic: Wich person am I from Dr. Horrible's Sing Along blog