Wich of the main charaters in mha are you? Deku,bakugo,todo

This quiz will show you who you can relate to mha’s 3 main charaters Izuku midoria, Kaktsui bakugo, and Shouto todoroki based off of your perspective and how you are is how your results are going to develop.

If you feel like you want to know wich of mha’s 3 main charaters then please try out this quiz because is just the reason this quiz was made I apologize for any misspelling or misunderstandings I hope this quiz fits you guys!

Created by: Mani1wolf104
  1. What is your perspective?
  2. What kind of person are you?
  3. Did you have a mom and a dad to raise you as a kid?
  4. How many siblings do you have?
  5. Did you grow up with loving parents?
  6. How do you think?
  7. If you had a hero name then how would it be?
  8. How do you usually act around people in need of help?
  9. How are you so far liking this quiz? (This question dosent effect your results)
  10. What is your hobby?

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Quiz topic: Wich of the main charaters in mha am I? Deku,bakugo,todo
