Wich of my own warrior cats are you?

My thoughts have been consumed by Warrior cats lately, ever since i finally got around to reading The Sun Trail. I would often think about my own characters that came out of nowhere when I thought about it.

For some reason, I kept coming back to two different ones: one about a VERY light silver cat with blue eyes and a lame leg ( Perhaps something to due with Cinderpelt?), and another one that was either half cat and half fox, or simply looked exactly like a fox. I chose the fox one. ( Came up with ALL the names right off the top of my head :) )

Created by: Anomynous
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Let's start with the most important 1: ARE YOU EVIL?
  2. All right, now what clan?
  3. Black Forest or Spiritclan (Dark Forest or Starclan) I know I already asked if you're evil, but a. I'm running out of questions and b. I have to know how evil.
  4. Continuation of Q 4. ( They all count, even though I don't have some of them yet, they'll just be based on the cat)
  5. Now, what is your sad story? ( real life)
  6. First answer choice is from last Q and rest are for your Warrior cats sad story!!!!!
  7. These last ones will have no effect! Will you read my story? Read the conclusion if said yes.
  8. Do you like Warrior cats?
  9. And lastly, do you like the quiz?
  10. Darn it! Forgot last question :( Oh well, just chose one of my favorite words listed below (WILL HAVE RANDOMIZED EFFECT SO BEWARE) XD

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Quiz topic: Wich of my own warrior cats am I?