wich monsterhigh character r u???

do you like monster high? are you a fan ?if you are ,who's your favourite character? do you act like them? if you don't ,do you know wich character you DO act like???

no better way of finding out than this quiz. lets see who you were "³destined"³ to be. a result will pop up and reveal the answer. if your mad with your result, try again in a couple of years.(and don't bring an angry mob with you!)

Created by: rema
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. on a scale from 1-10, how pretty r u?
  2. what's ur talent?
  3. do u luv monster high?
  4. random question: hello
  5. whats ur fav food?
  6. what's ur hair color?
  7. what's your skin color
  8. another random question: r u bored???
  9. will u rate?
  10. will you comment?

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