Which Gossip Girl Boy Character Are You?

Gossip gril isn't just a show for girls:)I'm I wrong?!. So boys here is your chance to find out what character from gg are you. Good luck.:) You know you love me, xoxo.

Wanna know if you are like Chuck Bass, Nate Archibald or Dan Humphrey?! If you do, just go ahead and take this quiz as fast as you can. Xoxo. Gossip girl.

Created by: gg.lewe
  1. Have you ever cheat on a girl?
  2. How it looks a perfect party in your vision?
  3. Imagine the perfect sex scene.
  4. What girl you like the most?
  5. What college you will chose to go?
  6. Which transport do you prefer?
  7. What drink do you prefer?
  8. What's your style?
  9. What phrase describe you the most?
  10. What sports do you like ?

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Quiz topic: Which Gossip Girl Boy Character am I?