Wich god or goddess is your godly parent

Hi I’m Belle and this quiz will be to see if what your godly parent is if your not happy with the results maybe try again but pls don’t hate and if you like it feel free to leave a like

There will be ten easy questions just answer with your opinion and find out who your godly parent is😁😝And remember leave a like if you enjoyed the quiz only if you want

Created by: Belle
  1. Hi guys I’m Belle here is your first question Which element would you control
  2. Fav colour?
  3. Fav god
  4. Pick a power
  5. Fave place
  6. If you could be any animal what would it be
  7. Who is your fav character
  8. Will you come back
  9. Did I you enjoy this quiz and don’t worry it won’t affect your answer
  10. Describe yourself in one word

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Quiz topic: Wich god or goddess is my godly parent
