Wich faction are you in? (Divergent quiz)

This quiz is based on the book and movie series called Divergent. If you are doing this quiz it would be best if you either have read at least one of the books and or one of the movies.

If you have not done either then I would suggest trying something else. The time will come for you to try Divergent but maybe not now. But I would recommend it

Created by: Someone
  1. what do you do in your spare time?!
  2. Where would you go for a dream vacation
  3. What is your favourite genre of movie?
  4. What's the best part of life?
  5. Best store to shop or eat at?
  6. Best movie?
  7. Arts or crafts?
  8. This question does nothing
  9. 9th question!!!!
  10. Last one why are you taking this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Wich faction am I in? (Divergent quiz)
