Wich disney princess are you?

Have you ever wondered wich disney princess you are? well i have so with this quiz you can finally find out. The options are: Princess belle, cinderella, Arora, tiana, Ariel and Jasmine.

I hope you find this quiz helpful and had fun taking it. If its not what you whant then just ignore the result cause it is up to you which you want to be.

Created by: Blosmunk
  1. What is your favorite colour
  2. favourite animal?
  3. Personallity?
  4. movie?
  5. food?
  6. which princess do you want to be? (Doesnt effect scores)
  7. Your name begins with?
  8. Are you a happy person?
  9. Do you like to adventure?
  10. Favourite subject?

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Quiz topic: Wich disney princess am I?
