Wicca or Witchcraft

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Easy are you a wiccan or a witch??They are very different even though most people get the mixed up.Before you can ever choose one of these you need to study for a long time

Its time to find out what you are .Confused.Don't be take the quiz and it comes it a real guess and what you are best at.You can find this out in 6 minutes.

Created by: Jade
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you take pride in your garden if you had one?
  2. You see a forest fire what do you do??
  3. Random questions....
  4. ......
  5. Hi
  6. Hello
  7. The wiccan....
  8. Now im just wasting time....
  9. Check out [no urls]?new_entry=5055466#entry5055466
  10. Did you enjoy this??

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