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inuyasha ! did that get your attention? ha you are an inuyasha fan so how about if you were a character from the ainime!! find out here what character u are.

did you always want to know who you would be if you were a charatr from the anime? so here is your chance to find out. take this quiz and quench the thirst in your mind.

Created by: meow
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your aim in life?
  2. what are you most likely to do?
  3. how do you fight?
  4. if you broke a window by mistake and the person living in that house comes out shouting what would u do?
  5. how was the quiz?
  6. this is the last question...
  7. ok this is not the end
  8. what do u want the result to be?
  9. what would you wear?
  10. what is ur weakness?

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