Why is it soo hard to love?

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Ok, now that the name change is done. Tell me in the comments whatcha think. Because i need YOUR opinon! PLease! And thanks for taking My quiz!!!!!!!!

Cole- Blond, total hotty, Loves Alexis, best friend is Jack Jack- Bruetteish, TOTAL HOTTY Loves Alexis best friend Cole Alex- Black red tint, Hotty, Loves Julia best friend Alexis. Kevin- Blond, Hotty, Loves julia, Best friend Alexis.

Created by: Alexis and Julia
Personality Test
  1. *Jacks* Alexis fell asleep in his arms! Damn, this hurts like hell! I have to prove to her i love her. I would run away with her and leave everything behind. She wouldn't through. Not for me or Cole. She cares about her Friends 2 much. I don't blame her.
  2. *Alexis's POV* I woke up in Cole's arms. it was nice to wake up like that, but i miss Jack. Than out of no where i hear a blood- curling scream. Me and Cole jump up and rush out the door, when we get to the bottem he positions himself between me and the imedite danger. I gasped when i saw it. Two people, One male, one female had Julia by her neck. Alex and Kevin we out cold. Jack ran in behind me and stood beside Cole. Girl- What are these fools going to do?(She laughed and looked at me) Gonna leave that one un-protected to save this one? Me- You b----! Let.Her.GO! Girl- No. Guy- Come on, we have to get HER back. Wait, this IS Alexis, Right? Girl- I don't know, i think She's Alexis.(She pointed at me, Cole and Jack stiffened.) Cole- (In a very powerful voice) Let. Her. Go. Or you will suffer.(He knew i was about to freak out. Jack grabbed my hand and Than i noticed the swords in their hands. Well, DUH! They are Our protectors! Cole lept forward and striked the guy. He fell to the floor instantlly. The girl flew at him and jack stabbed her and she fell, dead. I ran over to Julia, She was uber- flipped out. Cole and Jack went over To Kevin and Alex. They woke up and were hysterical. My guys calmed them down and they tied the guy up.They buried the girl's Dead body. Cole and Jack made me Go to my room with Julia. God, sometimes i just wanna, Kick their asses! But they are hot and badass so yeah.
  3. Julia has calmed down some. We listened to music. We listened to "I will not bow" And "I hate everything about you" And fell asleep
  4. Alex woke me up and said he would stay with her. I hugged him and i left. Cole, Jack, and Kevin were downstairs interrigating the guy. i walked passed them and staight to the weightroom. I started to bench press. I turned my ipod on and listened to Break. I had my eyes closed when the weight got heavyer. I opened them and saw jack leaning over me,With his hand on the weight. I mustered all my streght and pushed upward, to my uter suprise it didn't move, i kept trying than finally it moved. He ,now, looked shocked. I stood up and he grabbed my wrist and spun me around, to where i was pinned between him and the wall. Our breathing was labored as we stared at each other, than he kissed me. It was NOt your ordinary kiss. It was filled with so much passion that it almost burned us alive. It consumed us. I didn't think we'd ever stop, but quickly, too quickly, he pulled away. He smiled at my dis-stress when he pulled away Jack- We have to save something for later. (He smiled at me than left. My heart still racing i sat their and smiled. My ipod started playing Cowboy cassinnova.
  5. When the song ended i got a shower and grabbed something to eat. Kevin was siting on the couch watching WWE, so i joined him Me- So, who's winning? Kevin- John cena, Of course! Me- That my man! Kevin- Don't say that around Cole and Jack, they will envy him for years to come. He smiled at me with that stupid grin that, for some reason , Always charmed the ladies, well Except me of course. We had always been the best of friends, mostly because he couldn't make me fall for him, We sat there and laughed at the show and he said i HAd to go to bed Me- Excuse me, since when r u my mother? Kevin- since i can do this Me- Kev, don't- (Too late. He started tickling me. i hated that soo much! Me- STOP!! (I was laughing to hard) That's it! COLE! JACK!! they came in and burst out laughing, but all things serious they helped me out. FINALLY! It took them 20 minutes to help me, seriously?!
  6. So finally i went to bed, i turned the radio on and it played "If today was your last day" By nickelback. And that's what i fell asleep too
  7. *Julia's POV* So i woke up and Alex was beside me, he woke up imeditally. Alex- Hey. How are you? Me- I've been beter. What r u doing? Alex- I wanted to make sure u were ok, so i let Alexis off the hook (He smiled that wonderful, gorgous smile that i loved so so much) Well, i better go (He walked up to me, and kissed me, than he left. i was rly giddy after that)
  8. So i got a shower than got dressed. And i went downstairs and got me something to eat
  9. Alex, Cole, Jack, and Kevin are asleep, as well as Alexis. I was going to the pool when..........
  10. So. WHO DO U LOVE??????????? (Pick wisely)

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