Why do people like you?

Welcome to my quiz! Today we will find out what about you will attract people. We will find out if it is because you're kind, or if it is because you are cool.

There is no right or wrong answer. There is nothing wrong with any of the results. Please be honest. I would like for you to find out the truth about yourself even if it wasn't what you wanted!

Created by: Britney
  1. If someone dropped their tray at lunch, would you...
  2. If your friend came up to you with a personal problem, how would you help them?
  3. Someone just talked behind your best friend's back. Your best friend trusted that person. Do you...
  4. What is your role in your friend group?
  5. What is your idea of a good friend?
  6. Would you rather have lots of fake friends or one real friend?
  7. You find out your friend is using you. Do you...
  8. Do people want to be confident like you or honest like you?
  9. Is it easy or hard for you to make friends?
  10. What do you think or yourself?

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