Whos youre hogwarts soulmate girls edition

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This quiz tells you you’re Harry Potter female soulmate tell me if ur happy with your result by rating this quiz! I hope you’re happy with ur answer .

I kind of ran out of questions lol I really hope ur happy with this quiz and you’re answers.! Again I tried to make this as relatable as possible hope it works!

Created by: Raegan
  1. Whats ur house
  2. Who’s ur favorite male character
  3. You’re favorite family
  4. Favorite fruit
  5. Choose a date
  6. Who’s ur favorite professor
  7. Favorite Harry Potter movie
  8. What’s ur favorite thing to do when bored
  9. Favorite favorite weasley
  10. Gender

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Quiz topic: Whos mye hogwarts soulmate girls edition
