Whom crystal gem are you?

Are you smart enough to take this quiz if not move along. What do you think a genius is because I hope you it is you. Please take the quiz to see who you are.

Are you willing to take this brave confident step for you or re you too chicken for it. Skill is something you will need sir or ma'am. Great quizzes like this don't come everyday you know.

Created by: Capri
  1. Whom is your fav crystal gem?
  2. What power do you prefer?
  3. Which fusion do you prefer?
  4. How would you feel is Rose was there, but Steven was not?
  5. Are you mature enough for this commitment?
  6. How would you describe yourself?
  7. Are you influenced?
  8. Who would you protect if you could only choose one person?
  9. Do you let your feelings show?
  10. Is Steven Universe a good show?

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Quiz topic: Whom crystal gem am I?